Privacy Notice


Next we will describe the terms and conditions that govern the use of the website, legal person -, commercially known as HORIZON VALLARTA DMC. Any service acquired through the use of this Website establishes an agreement that associates both parties and therefore symbolizes the acceptance of the client, his acceptance of these terms and conditions and the obligation acquired by them. Before making any request, we suggest you please read the terms and conditions carefully.

All users, website visitors and customers for the mere fact of accessing it, will be subject to these terms and conditions and they will be responsible for corroborating if changes have occurred since HORIZON VALLARTA DMC reserves the right to modify at any moment the content of these terms of use and the information that HORIZON VALLARTA DMC provides. The client hereby declares and guarantees to be of legal age (over 18 years of age) and have the legal capacity and powers necessary to acquire or contract in his own capacity or on behalf of the legal entity that the “client” (he) or (she) declares to represent. The hiring of any of our online services performed by a minor on behalf of the “client” with or without prior approval will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

     2. SERVICES

The acquisition by the customer of one or more of the services offered by HORIZON VALLARTA DMC constitutes a contractual agreement between HORIZON VALLARTA DMC and the client and implies the acceptance by the customer of the terms and conditions described in this document by HORIZON VALLARTA DMC.


HORIZON VALLARTA DMC ensures that all information and descriptions of the services displayed on this Website are accurate; However, for reasons beyond the control of HORIZON VALLARTA DMC there is the possibility that modifications may arise that may affect or alter the information or current description of the services, these modifications will be added to the HORIZON VALLARTA DMC Website and will be displayed accordingly, therefore it is the responsibility of the clients to consult the Website to be aware of said modifications.

    4. PRICES

The prices will be expressed in Mexican pesos or in United States dollars according to the place where the client’s request comes from. The prices described at the time of the acquisition of any of the services offered will be valid omitting any other previously announced.

Prices are subject to change at any time without prior notice and will only be honored as long as the customer has paid in full for the services purchased.

    5. PAYMENT

The client must pay the total of the contracted services based on the dates established in the contract for the acquisition of services and by means of the different payment methods displayed both on the HORIZON VALLARTA website and in the aforementioned contract. This indicates the client’s agreement to comply with these terms and conditions.

The confirmation of the service will not be fully confirmed until the client has made the full payment of the contracted services.


a) Between (140) days and (61) days prior to arrival (15%) of the services contracted may be cancelled without an attrition fee. Any services canceled above (15%) will be charged a fee equal to (25%) of the cost.

b) Between (60) days and (46) days prior to arrival (10%) of the services contracted may be cancelled without an attrition fee. Any services canceled above (10%) will be charged a fee equal to (50%) of the cost.

c) Between (45) days and (16) days prior to arrival (5%) of the services contracted may be cancelled without an attrition fee. Any services canceled above (5%) will be charged a fee equal to (50%) of the cost.

d) Between (15) days and the date of arrival, any service canceled will be charged a fee equal to the full cost of the whole contracted services.


HORIZON VALLARTA has the right to cancel at any time before the event any service contracted by the client as long as the total percentage is paid according to the following conditions:

a) From the date of the contract signing to 61 days prior to the date of the event, (25%) of the total of the services contracted.

b) From 60 days to 31 days prior to the date of the event (50%) of the total services contracted.

c) From 30 days to the date of the event (100%) of the total services contracted.

“No shows will not be refundable”

If the contracted services have not been paid in time, HORIZON VALLARTA reserves the right to cancel the services or reduce them based on the total payment received.


HORIZON VALLARTA maintains agreements with service providers or third parties such as tours, activities, among others, that we use in order to provide them to our clients; that is why HORIZON VALLARTA is very selective when it comes to agreeing with any of these suppliers because HORIZON VALLARTA can not have any control over their commercial activities and can not be held responsible for their acts, omissions, fault, negligence, provider employees of any loss or damage suffered during the use or enjoyment of the contracted service.
HORIZON VALLARTA is not responsible for the safety and quality offered during the activities or services by third parties or service providers, at the same time HORIZON VALLARTA is not responsible for any breach made by third parties or the service provider arguing some cause event greater or any other that is out of control of HORIZON VALLARTA or service providers.
HORIZON VALLARTA will not be held responsible in any circumstance for damages, losses, accidents, injuries, deaths, damages to the client’s property or any inconvenience suffered by the client during the use or enjoyment of the services provided by third parties to HORIZON VALLARTA.
HORIZON VALLARTA their associates or affiliates  will not be responsible in the following cases described below.
1. Errors that the client may have committed when providing the information required by the website and that he omits to notify HORIZON VALLARTA immediately for its update.
2. Transfer of electronic viruses that may be acquired during access to the website.
3. Duplicity or error during the processing of charges to a credit card due to the responsibility of the credit or banking institution.
4. Technical, typographical, orthographic or design errors that may have been the cause of the delay in updating the Website, the lack of availability or delay in the delivery or delivery of data messages Mail, request for quotation or confirmation of contracted services.


Sometimes reserved tours, packages, activities, excursions and other entertainment services belonging to a third party may undergo modifications or even cease to be available, so HORIZON VALLARTA completely disclaims such modifications and therefore reserves the right to substitute the service for a similar one or otherwise cancel it. In the case of replacement, if the service offered has a greater value, the customer must pay the difference of the same; the client also having the right to reject said substitution; On the contrary, if the substitute service is of lesser value, HORIZON VALLARTA will be responsible for reimbursing or adding the difference in favor in the client’s final account. In case of cancellation HORIZON VALLARTA will be limited to the refund of the package price paid by the client.

     10. LAW

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Mexico and the courts of Puerto Vallarta Jalisco and shall have exclusive jurisdiction for all matters or proceedings between HORIZON VALLARTA and the client.